Institute for Migration Research

We encourage a comparative study of migration, minorities and ethnicity and we promote public understanding of their complexity and reality


Connect Week UNIN

From 8. – 12.05.2023., University North held ‘Connect Week UNIN’ which saw key stakeholders, dominant industry leaders,

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Scientific research activity


Research, education, publishing and other goals cannot be fully achieved without cooperation with other institutions and individuals. Scientific cooperation of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies is achieved through membership in international organizations, research networks, research projects, communication through the journal "Migration and Ethnic Themes" and with visiting researchers ...

Teaching activity

For more than twenty-five years, the Institute's researchers have been involved in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate teaching at Croatian universities as lecturers, lecturers or leaders of exercises and seminars, following the widest range of topics, but also making scientific and popular contributions to spreading knowledge about migration and ethnicity. , national / ethnic minorities and Croatian emigrants.


The institute has also signed agreements with related institutions ...

Science Projects

„Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. ... He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.“

B. R. Ambedkar

About The Journal

Migration and ethnicity are current and well-established areas of contemporary social research. New phenomena and processes in the world – globalization, increasing spatial mobility of people, delocalization and relocalization of culture – are the reason for the growing scientific interest in issues of migration, ethnicity and identity. The Journal of Migration and Ethnic Themes opens the possibility of exchanging ideas, public debates and interdisciplinary dialogue to researchers dealing with this topic.


Events - meetings, conferences, forums, symposia ...

IMIN Publications

About us

Our activities include interdisciplinary research (deductive, inductive and abductive), communication of science, lectures, organization of conferences, consultations, etc. These activities contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about sociopolitical conditions and consequences of migration, ethnic development, ethnic relations, different forms of identity. knowledge – to other scientists, students and academia, as well as to practitioners, participants in public debates, journalists, etc.

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+385 (0)1 6111 586

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